My computer has been on an involuntary hiatus for a while now... my laptop isn't working and I've not been able to find my camera card... or time to create anything in my stamp room. Life has turned upside down around here... things have changed, and so have my priorities.
I've gone from days filled with ink and paper, pictures and embellishments, creativity and relaxation to days of schedules, time constraints, responsibilities, and 3 KIDS IN SCHOOL!
The next phase of life has begun for Brandon and I. Our boys started 2nd and 3rd grade in August and Kailynn started pre-k the first week of September. When Kailynn started pre-k, I started my search for a job. A month later, after submitting hundreds of resumes and applications, I started my new job at the Carteret Publishing Company. I am the Classified Ads Manager for the local newspaper. I deal with all classified ads, as well as all the legal notices for the paper. I really like it. I work Monday through Friday, I get to have face to face interaction, I get out of the house, and I'm earning a paycheck too!
My kids are adjusting... Ethan, very well... Kailynn, with a few bumps in the road... and Clayton, with quite a few mountains in the way. We're taking it one day at a time, and I think in the end, it will all work out for the best. I'm excited about the venture into the next stage of life. You may be hearing more about our everyday lives, rather than my everyday creations, here on my blog, but I'll do my best to keep you up to date on my creative doings. Thank you all for your support and patience (Mom) in my search to find a plateaued ground to walk on.
Love and kisses!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Inspiration Challenge
Last Saturday, I was completely inspired by the inspiration challenge over at SCS and I had to give it a whirl. The challenge was posted by SmilynStef and we had to choose one of Catherine's Animal prints to use as our inspiration. We had to interpret the picture and create whatever we were inspired to create using the layout, colors, subject and/or ideas that sparked from the pictures. This was an AWESOME challenge... and it got my MOJO flowin!
I chose to use the Zebra 1 picture as my inspiration...
I used the colors and layout to make my design... and I must say, I've very pleased with it.
I'll be back again soon... I'm off to the dentist... arrrggghhhh!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Our Family Has Grown...
in leaps and bounds... as of September 5, my baby boy, Clayton is SEVEN years old! For his birthday this year, we wanted to introduce him to real responsibilities. Instead of piling chores on him, we decided to get him 7 fish... one for each year he's been alive. Here are our new family members...

Meet Angus:
and Whitey
and Superman
and Oscar
and Marlin
and Big Moe
and last, but certainly not least, here's Tiny
Clayton is very happy with his newfound friends and feeds them twice daily. Anette's family also bought 10 small goldfish to add to Clayton's new aquatic community. He was (to say the least) beyond excited to have 17 new friends to call his own... among them are Stripes, Nemo 1, Nemo 2, Little Whitey, Little Moe, Mustache, and Ollie. We've had two casualties thus far... and they went over like a.... well, lets just say there were a few tears shed. Poor little guy... Clayton is slowly learning that the life span of a fish is nothing like that of a dog or cat. A good lesson to learn... but hard all the same. Thanks for listening to me blab...
I'd also like to introduce to you a new SBS10 Sistah! Please help my sistahs and I welcome Jen to our sisterhood of blogging stampers! You can visit her blog by clicking here: F Stop Memories, or copy and paste thsi: into your browser.
Have a lovely evening...
Monday, August 25, 2008
I Made It!
Many of you have been patiently waiting for my blogging habits to improve and I think the wait is over! School started today (for my boys) and I MADE IT THROUGH THE SUMMER! I feel like the last 3 months have been so long and now I can finally get back into my routine. Summer is one of my least favorite seasons... partially because it's so darned hot and mostly because summer brings with it a severe lack of routine. If you know me, then you know that without a schedule, I don't even know where to begin. As much as I dislike the annoying repetitive sound of the buzz billowing from the alarm clock at 5:30 in the morning, I look forward to it because it means that I have something I'm scheduled to do. It means that I am beginning my day with a specific purpose... it means that for today, (no promises for tomorrow), I will have sanity.
My batteries in my camera are shot, so I can't share any pictures with you tonight, but I assure you I'll be back soon with pictures galore... after all, now I don't have to drag three kids into the store with me in search for one thing... only to exit the store with numerous bags of useless "stuff" that we couldn't live without and a receipt that I have to explain to my husband - you know how it goes...
"I don't know how I ended up spending $50 when I only went in for batteries!"
Be Blessed!
Monday, August 18, 2008
MIA Again...
This summer, I've been busy - busy making the summer a memorable one for my children. We've spent our days this summer swimming at the pool, boating on the ocean, kiting at the beach, crafting in my room, playing outside, reading lots of books, visiting family, and enjoying time with each other. So, when you haven't heard from me in a while, please know that I'm not just being lazy... I'm making memories. After all, that IS where scrapbooking begins!
I'll be back soon.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Feel Better
A couple weeks ago, a very dear friend of mine was feeling very "rained on." She was having a rough week and had tears on deck, ready to pour down at any moment. I felt horrible for her. I have dealt with depression personally for years. It's hard. Depression hurts... it hurts your emotional heart, your physical body, and the people who care for you. I didn't know what else I could do for my friend, other than to tell her I'm here for her whenever she may need me and that I'd keep her in my prayers; so I made her a card.
This card has a lot of details in it that you might not notice at first glance... The puddle and raindrops are covered with Crystal Effects and Belinda Bumberboots (from Stamping Bella) is completely stickled out. Her umbrella, wings, clothes & boots all have stickles all over them. A little much? I don't think so. Next, I want to draw your attention to the bottom of the card. I used my Martha Stewart border punch to go along the Real Red, then I backed it in YoYo Yellow. On the yellow, I mimicked the pierced dot pattern from the punch onto the Yellow layer using my paper piercing tool. I used my 1/2 inch circle punch to make the scallop border on the right of my imageFor the background on the red, if you look closely, you will see that I scored lines all the way down the red at 1/4" intervals. It just added a little more texture to the card. To finish it off, I added the sentiment from Blooming With Happiness (retired SU! hostess set) that says "Friendship is the shelter from life's little storms" using my White stazon ink pad and then tracing over it with my white gel pen (to make it darker).
Thanks for checking in on me... I'll be back soon with more of what I've been working on! God Bless!
Blog Award
I've been awarded the Wylde Women Award by my Mom, Debbie.
Here are the Rules:-
1. You can give it to 1 0r 100 or any number in between - it's up to you.
Make sure you link their site on this post.
2. Link back to this blogsite.
3. Remember the purpose of this award:
To send love and acknowledgment to women who
brighten your day, teach you new things and
live their lives fully with generosity and joy.
I'm awarding all of my SBS sistahs...
I always learn something from each one every time I blog-hop their sites
and they are all so completely inspiring and beautiful!
You girls are so inspiring & completely deserving of the Wylde Woman Award! Have a blessed day!
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